Bloombreed Juventus Academy 2023 Is Here

Our maiden Juventus Football Camp was held last year, and it was a wonderful experience for all our emerging football ⚽ champions ????. This year, we have even taken it to a whole other level. Not only are we having the awesome features of last year’s camp, but your children will also have the rare…

Grooming Prim and Proper Members of Society

We are very intentional about preparing our students to be respectable ladies and gentlemen of society. One key event where we train them for this is our Formal Dining. Take a look at these pictures to relieve the magic of our formal dining. From the dazzling outfits to the fun moments, these pictures encapsulate the…

Duke of Edinburgh: Tales of an Adventure

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is a prestigious and internationally recognized program that encourages young people to challenge themselves, develop valuable skills, and explore new adventures. Our students embarked on this remarkable journey: The Duke of Edinburgh Adventure! They explored breathtaking destinations. From the stunning Debojo Private Beach to the enchanting Lufasi Park, followed…

Bloombreed Students Win $1, 620, 000 Conrad Scholarship to Study in the US

We are thrilled to announce that our students who participated in the 2023 Conrad competition have won a whopping $1, 620, 000 to study at Clarkson University, United States. In addition, our school won the Most Tenacious Team Award in recognition of our students’ unrelenting efforts at excelling in the competition. It also pleases us…

Bloombreed Schools’ Teachers’ Camp 2023

Smart teachers seek ways to grow. Bloombreed teachers are constantly growing–one of the perks of being in Bloombreed is that there is no choice but to grow. Last year’s retreat was awesome. This year, it’s going to be ‘awesome’er????. We’ve got lots planned out for teachers to learn and bond. The best part is that…

Children’s Day 2023 Blast

It was a great experience for our students as they joined in the exhilarating fun of Children’s Day 2023! ???????? They were at the heart of the excitement, creating unforgettable memories. From engaging activities to laughter-filled moments, our students experienced a joyous celebration that will remain etched in their hearts forever. ????✨????✨ Our world can…