Our Curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Our curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced to enrich learners with sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and career life. We embrace an array of teaching methodologies which enhance and equip the learners to discover self, develop self, and deliver to others and the society at large.
Key Stage 1: Ages 5 -7
Key Stage 2: Ages 8 – 10+
The school ensures every pupil has access to the following subjects: Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Character Education, Cultural Subjects, Arts and Design, ICT- Coding, Design and Technology, French, Music, and Physical Education.
Ensure that all children leave the primary school as fluent readers and at least meet, and preferably, exceed the end of KS 2 expectations in the following core subject areas; Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing, Mathematics and Science.
Our Curriculum is implemented through:
Holistic Learning:
- Support children to understand themselves as individuals and to recognise and celebrate differences.
- Ensure children know how to keep themselves safe and what to do if they feel unsafe.
- Ensure children know how to keep their bodies and minds healthy through exercise, healthy eating and healthy lifestyle.
- Enable children to deal appropriately with loss and change. Support children to take responsibility for their own actions and to be responsible members of our school community.
Character Building:
- This is a tool we use at Bloombreed to help pupils think carefully about their learning behaviours.
- Ensures to build a responsible and well behaved learner who will in turn become a patriotic citizen through this medium. Different core values are initiated weekly for learners to practise.
- The Learners aim to stay in the Green zone to depict best behaviour always. At the end of each term best behaved Learners are celebrated at a House Point Party. House points are accrued on their class progress charts.
- Our Science lessons across the two Key Stages run on the national British curriculum and STEM approach of Scientific inquiry method laced with Project based learning methods.
- The Scientific approaches employed enable learners to discover science, the processes and perspectives used to explore the universe, and its properties. Here they learn about making observations and using experiments to gather evidence.
Design Technology:
At Key Stage 1 & 2, Learners are taken through the hands-on process of designing, Making, building and using technical knowledge. Food technology
Physical Education:
At both Key Stages, pupils are equipped with the following skills:
Competitive Games
Outdoor Adventure
- For effective implementation, our Literacy instructions are narrowed down in aspects which comprise Reading Comprehension, Creative Writing, Grammar, Spelling Skills, Vocabulary Skills, and Verbal Reasoning.
- All these are synchronised systematically to equip Learners with lifelong communication skills, whether written or spoken using a variety of digital tools which include (but are not limited to) Literacy Planet, Khan Academy and Quizizz.
Numeracy: At the end of each Key Stages, Learners pupils would have explored all the content areas, like numbers and number system, calculation-mental strategies, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, handling data, measurement, geometry and problem solving.
ICT-Coding: As the only Google reference school in Nigeria, Learners explore the google apps, like annotating with Kami, move round the globe with google earth. They independently create documents, data base, spreadsheet, slide with the google apps. Key Stage 2 Learners write CBT in all their examinations.
Project Exhibition/Defence:
- Our annual project exhibition and defence by learners which emanated from our project based learning methods has enhanced our learners’ critical thinking, problem solving and entrepreneurial skills needed to establish businesses and create job opportunities in the future.
Extra Curricular Activities:
- Ballet
- Public Speaking
- Board Games
- Choral Group